Sabina On Little Myers
90 Little Myers St, Geelong & the Bellarine Peninsula VIC 3220, Australia
We understand that pets are a valuable member of the family and many like to include them in their holiday. With this in mind Sabina on Little Myers, being a self contained house offers first class Geelong pet friendly accommodation for the very best holidays with dogs. A romantic getaway in Geelong, Victoria – a great holiday with pets.
Our property ensures you are able to relax in the knowledge your surroundings are safe and secure for your dog. The backyard is securely fenced for your use to contain your pet safely, so your dog is free to play outside or spend time indoors. On arrival your dog is welcomed at Sabina on Little Myers with feeding bowls, fresh water and doggie treats and we provide their owners with a pocket size map showing where dogs are permitted on and off the leash in Geelong and the surrounding district.
Here at Sabina on Little Myers, we pride ourselves on the meticulous cleanliness of the house and gardens. Please be assured you won’t see evidence of previous guest’s pets when you stay. With Sabina on Little Myers being located in central Geelong city, it is only a short stroll to the Waterfront, cafes, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. Only 20 minutes to the Bellarine Peninsula and 30 minutes to the Great Ocean Road.
The finest genuinely boutique pet friendly accommodation in Geelong, Victoria where the hosts treat your best friends as their own.