  • Carrie's Cottage
  • 74 Thule Rd, Nelligen, South Coast NSW 2536, Australia
  • Website

Self contained, Carrie's Cottage has been purpose built to provide a getaway for couples and small families. The cottage is self contained, private and pet friendly. With river frontage it is also perfect for water skiers and anglers. The property is on the Clyde river at Nelligen, with almost a kilometre of river frontage. There's a small beach for swimming, secluded picnic spots, and plenty of opportunity to observe the diverse array of wildlife. We welcome well behaved dogs of all sizes to Carrie's Cottage. There is a fully fenced dog proof yard for your pet to enjoy. There is also plenty of room for him or her to run around down by the river, although we require them to be on a lead for the short walk there. There are other well trained dogs who live on the property but they are contained in their own yard.